Papaya Puree 473ml

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  • Papaya Puree 473ml

    Papaya Puree 473ml

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    The Papaya is a nutritional powerhouse, containing the anti-oxidant vitamins C and E, and well as high folate and potassium content. Papayas are high in fiber, magnesium, and the carotenes. Papayas contain papain (an enzyme) which has functions such as helping to prevent parasites. This necessary digestive enzyme is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral Called the 'fruit of the angels' by Christopher Columbus, Papayas are native to Central America and have long been revered by the American Indian populations in that area. Upon conquest, the Spaniards and Portuguese brought these deliciously sweet jewels with them to many other subtropical lands to which they journeyed, including India, the Philippines and parts of Africa. Papayas were brought into the United States in the 20th Century. Today, these delectable fruits are grown in Hawaii, the major U.S. producer of Papaya fruit since the 1920's.
    The Papaya is a nutritional powerhouse, containing the anti-oxidant vitamins C and E, and well as high folate and potassium content. Papayas are high in fiber, magnesium, and the carotenes. Papayas contain papain (an enzyme) which has functions such as helping to prevent parasites. This necessary digestive enzyme is antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Areas where papaya can be helpful:
    Occasional Acid Reflux
    Occasional Diarrhea
    Occasional Constipation
    Moreover, it can assist in the digestion of proteins i.e. the process in converting proteins to amino acids.
    Due to their unique and dynamic nutritional profile Papayas are also know for their anti-inflammatory effects, immune supporting properties, maintenance of heart health, maintenance of healthy eyes and vision, maintenance of respiratory system.
    Dynamic Health Laboratories'� all-natural Hawaiian Papaya Puree is a delicious, convenient, healthy way to ensure that you get your daily requirement of essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and enzymes.
    All Natural Ingredients
    � Nutritionally!
    � No Preservatives
    � No Sugar Added
    � Cholesterol Free
    � Parve � Kosher
    � Low Calorie � Fat Free
    �Ideal For Smoothies!
    � Improves General Metabolism!
    � Space Saving 16 oz.Size!
    � Delicious Healthy Toppings!
    � Beneficial As A Dietary Supplement!

    Price : £8.99

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