Black cherry Concentrate 473 ml
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Black cherry Concentrate 473 ml
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According to ongoing research, cherries are a rich source of antioxidants that can help maintain heart health, joint health and blood circulation. Cherries are also increasingly being used in the treatment of Gout and Arthritis.
Black Cherry Concentrate 16oz/473ml Bottle Cherries have pleased the palates of food lovers for centuries. Now there are new reasons to love cherries. As a recent Newsweek article said ``The day when doctors say - `Take 10 cherries and call me in the morning` - may not be far off.`` According to ongoing research, cherries are a rich source of antioxidants that can help maintain heart health, joint health and blood circulation. Cherries are also increasingly being used in the treatment of Gout and Arthritis. The secret is in the pigments that give cherries their rich red / black hue. They belong to a class of natural dyes called anthocyanins. These compounds are being called ``Mother Nature`s all-natural chemotherapy agents.`` Anthocyanins have been found to prevent oxidative damage, caused by oxygen or free radicals, about as well as compounds in commercial antioxidants. They also inhibited enzymes called cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, the targets of anti-inflammatory drugs, at doses more than ten times lower than aspirin. Daily consumption of cherries has the potential to reduce pain related to inflammation, arthritis and gout. In addition to the antioxidants, cherries are rich in two important flavonoids - isoqueritrin and queritrin. According to leading researchers, queritrin is one of the most potent agents ever discovered. Consuming it in foods, such as cherries, is like unleashing inside your body an entire army of agents that are adept at neutralizing harmful oxidants in the body.
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